As I reflect on my life's journey, I realize it has been extraordinary. Despite facing numerous challenges and hardships, I persevered with dedication and commitment. As of today, the autumn of 2023, I am 54 years old and blessed with four children and seven wonderful grandchildren.
Growing up in a family of gamblers, jokers, and smokers, strong-headed women, men who tested limits… and some who did a little time… I had to navigate through chaos, drama, and trauma to find truth.
Nevertheless, I never lost sight of my values of truth, integrity, and personal balance, which have been my guiding principles throughout my life.
My journey has been met with an all-knowing and all-loving God who provided me with the strength and courage to face the adversities in my life.
Despite the challenges, I ventured into many scary and uncertain situations for various reasons, with persistence and perseverance for truth and righteousness.
Through my biography and teaching sessions, I share my experiences with this cast of characters, who gave me perspective on the human journey and how God's redemptive grace works in our lives.
My journey has been anything but mundane. I hope my story inspires you to remain steadfast in your commitment to your values and to persevere in the face of adversity. Remember that with dedication and commitment, you can overcome any obstacle and live a fulfilling life.
Now that I'm in my fifties, I lead a disciplined and fulfilling life as mother of four, and grandmother of seven.
I'm pursuing and achieving dreams that I never thought possible.
I attribute the success and joy in my life to my Spiritual practices.
My coaching practice is not just a result of a fancy business plan; it is a part of who I am and a result of my perseverance and Spiritual discipline.
I have achieved Spiritual congruency through an unrelenting pursuit of personal alignment and a steadfast commitment to my core values. From this position of strength, I am well-equipped to help others do the same.
As a Spiritual leader, I understand that my actions and words significantly impact others. I take this responsibility seriously and use my gifts to support, inspire, and help others find fulfillment while they are on their own journeys.
For me, aligning myself with my Creator is where I find my truth, where I find myself, and where I find my identity.
Knowing my inner truth gives me peace, abundant joy, and quiet confidence.
I know that I am love, peace, beauty, and harmony.